Thursday, October 15, 2009

Pumpkin Patch Cutie

Today Kali is going to the pumpkin patch in Lafayette with her class at SES. She’s excited about picking out a pumpkin to bring home with her. She’s especially happy that they will be taking a ride on the hay wagon. Here she is all dressed up for her first field trip of her kindergarten year.

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Posing with a few of Lolli’s pumpkins before school in the morning before going on her field trip.0003  0007

You can see the little wiggly tooth at the bottom here in her pretty smile. She’s going to be losing it soon. We give her apples for snack time almost every day, but it has yet to wiggle its way out!


A little grouping of apothecary jars with the yummiest flavored candy corn in them, the orange ones are chocolate flavored, the purple are blackberry cobbler flavored and the gold ones in front, they’re my favorite and taste like creme brulee.


jmac said...

That girl cracks me UP!!! Such a poser! And I was thinking as I was reading that if she's in kindergarten, she should be without teeth....and then your next words were just that!!
Scary how our brains are aligned.....whew.

Gridiron Girl said...

She is such a cutie! I can definitely see that wiggly tooth. We're quickly becoming tooth pulling experts around here! My best tip is to just gently push it backwards and if it's ready, it with will pop right out without much bleeding. :-D

Virginia G said...

What a cutie pie! She's so beautiful.