Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Breaux Bridge & Arnaudville Antiquing (Morning Edition)

Debbie and I headed toward Breaux Bridge around ten this morning in pursuit of a pretty little head and foot board set for Erica’s new room. Sadly enough, they sold it since we last went out there, but you know we still had a fun trip. At our first stop “Something Old Something New: in Breaux Bridge. I found a pretty little gray and pink dessert plate that I had to have for only fifty cents!


I also found these three pretty little depression glass salad plates for $1.99 each. I have one exactly like them that I got from Dave’s mother’s Aunt Genie that I treasure, these three will be a nice addition to my clear depression glass set.


This cake cook book was something I found there as well and the blue vase was from Bayou Town.


Our second stop was at Bayou Town Flea Market. Debbie scored big with four pretty pink depression glass iced tea glasses. I’m sure she’s going to blog them, watch her blog at Under the Cajun Sun. I found a special crystal piece here as well, a beautiful 9.5 inch tall compote.


The last thing I picked up at Bayou Town was a couple of bags of corks, I have some cool project ideas that I found online to do with the corks.


Then across the street from the church at another flea market type store which I can’t remember the name… I found this pretty covered candy dish that’s 11.5 inches tall. Its in great shape and matches one that I bought at Vintage Girl’s Booth at the Spring Yard Fair in Washington, Louisiana. Tip for all you antiquing types, October 9th, 10th and 11th  is the Fall Fair in Washington at the Old Antique Schoolhouse Mall.


Before leaving Breaux Bridge we at a delicious lunch at Cafe des Amis. Dee and I each had a cup of the Seafood Bisque which was divine. Then we shared two appetizers that were more on the order of entree size, we tried the Eggplant Wheels over Crawfish Au Gratin which was smooth and creamy and the Crawfish Cornbread over a creole Crawfish Etouffe loaded with crawfish. Both were delightful and we had no room for dessert.

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