When Dave and I were shopping in Lafayette a few weekends ago I dragged him into Hobby Lobby for a quick trip around the store. I spotted this pretty Nativity and can just imagine how pretty it will be in one of my niches in the new house. It’s almost twenty inches tall … Isn’t it just lovely?
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Cool weather Rejuvenates the Flowers
Tonight I noticed at almost dark that the begonias are looking pretty, I think these cooler days we’re having are giving them a new lease on life.
Grand Coteau (Afternoon Edition)
Deborah by one of the antique shop signs in Grand Coteau.
Since we weren’t quite ready to go home yet, and definitely still needed to find a delicious dessert. We headed over to Grand Coteau and found it at Creola Cafe in the form of a scrumptious pecan apple caramel pie a la mode. We were sufficiently stuffed after that! Before partaking in the dessert we stopped at the Kitchen Shop and found a few goodies too. I got blackberry syrup, a California Apricot scone mix, chocolate covered pecans and a really sturdy wire whisk. We had a fun and relaxing day together, its always a good day when I spend it with my baby sister. Thanks for coming along Dee!
Breaux Bridge & Arnaudville Antiquing (Morning Edition)
Debbie and I headed toward Breaux Bridge around ten this morning in pursuit of a pretty little head and foot board set for Erica’s new room. Sadly enough, they sold it since we last went out there, but you know we still had a fun trip. At our first stop “Something Old Something New: in Breaux Bridge. I found a pretty little gray and pink dessert plate that I had to have for only fifty cents!
I also found these three pretty little depression glass salad plates for $1.99 each. I have one exactly like them that I got from Dave’s mother’s Aunt Genie that I treasure, these three will be a nice addition to my clear depression glass set.
This cake cook book was something I found there as well and the blue vase was from Bayou Town.
Our second stop was at Bayou Town Flea Market. Debbie scored big with four pretty pink depression glass iced tea glasses. I’m sure she’s going to blog them, watch her blog at Under the Cajun Sun. I found a special crystal piece here as well, a beautiful 9.5 inch tall compote.
The last thing I picked up at Bayou Town was a couple of bags of corks, I have some cool project ideas that I found online to do with the corks.
Then across the street from the church at another flea market type store which I can’t remember the name… I found this pretty covered candy dish that’s 11.5 inches tall. Its in great shape and matches one that I bought at Vintage Girl’s Booth at the Spring Yard Fair in Washington, Louisiana. Tip for all you antiquing types, October 9th, 10th and 11th is the Fall Fair in Washington at the Old Antique Schoolhouse Mall.
Before leaving Breaux Bridge we at a delicious lunch at Cafe des Amis. Dee and I each had a cup of the Seafood Bisque which was divine. Then we shared two appetizers that were more on the order of entree size, we tried the Eggplant Wheels over Crawfish Au Gratin which was smooth and creamy and the Crawfish Cornbread over a creole Crawfish Etouffe loaded with crawfish. Both were delightful and we had no room for dessert.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Sugar from Kali
Taken at the Sugarcane Festival parade, Kali was adorable in her little jeans, festival tee, bandana belt and boots! She had fun at the parades and enjoyed a little time at the fair too.
Cabinet Design and a Little Layout
I created a layout showing one of my latest little hobbies. I’m working on a few cabinet designs for the new house. My cabinet man can work from photographs but I wanted to give this a go, so I bought some supplies… paper, engineer’s ruler, drawing pencils, a tape measure and erasers then started figuring this all out. Its not at all easy, but its saving me a good bit of $ and I really love what I’ve come up with so far. With the photograph I found in a magazine as inspiration I drew up what I think will work for our master bathroom, shower area and water closet cabinet above the toilet. I’ve finished with the upstairs bathroom vanity and closet and have the wet bar in the upstairs den completed as well.
My next projects are the closet cabinetry and drawer units and a bookshelf for the living room. I hired a designer for the kitchen and utility room and I’m thankful that I did and I learned a lot from the process. I hope these come out as good in reality as I envision them in my head!
Happy Fall Y’all (Hybrid Card)
I have been enjoying making a few hybrid projects lately. I created this little card with Shabby Miss Jenn’s Autumn Flea Market Volume 2 kit.
You can see this project and all of my other scrap creations by clicking on the link for my Shabby Miss Jenn gallery on the list on the right side of my blog.
Antiquing in Washington (Part II)
I really couldn’t help myself and you know you can’t blame me, but I really HAD to buy these dishes. I know its yet another ‘set’ that I’m bound and determined to find more of,… its just that its so very lovely. The soft pink rose trim, the lovely pink and gray flower in the center and that’s really all she wrote. Dave said they were lovely and that I really should get them, so that’s that as well. Aren’t they just gorgeous? I am so very thankful I found them!
So after finding these six dessert plates, I spotted this adorable little teacup and saucer set. Its nothing fancy but I adore cups with flower prints on the inside of them. And it was sweet, pink and gray … it had my name written all over it! Don’t these match all the pink and gray I found the other day at “When Pigs Fly”. Here’s the post: Antiquing Last Saturday
I’m going to make a cup of raspberry tea before going for a walk outside to see the progress on the house. Have a lovely afternoon!
New Holland Toy Tractor from Pop
This weekend for the Sugarcane Festival Pop gave his favorite to little guys an awesome gift. We went to Abbeville early on Saturday morning to buy T-Posts for the back pastures and stopped in at Langlinais Tractor to find a tractor for the boys to match Pop’s big tractor. We found this one with a wagon for the twins to play with together and as you can see in the photos they loved it. Davey was working on a new deck for the front of their home and barbecuing and the boys loved riding the tractor around the deck and filling the wagon with scrap blocks of wood. They are such sweet boys and shared nicely.
Stucco and Boxing Paint Colors

Is it crazy to be so excited that the stucco is going up on the house? The Kazaan Brothers stucco guys are working diligently outside putting up the concrete board and will start with the application of stucco very soon. The boxing is already painted the color on the left called "Backdrop", the flashing is up, and the stucco guys are going to use the color on the right which is called "Functional Gray", to give the house an old world finish. The bands which are going to appear as they do in the photo below on the stucco section are going to go in as planned.

Monday, September 28, 2009


Autumn Flea Market Volume 2 from Shabby Miss Jenn

I created a little keepsake box from a perfume container Erica got at American Eagle. It was an easy little project and Kali loved it.

A layout with Miss Kali featured from her dress up day at school. She went in a little Hannah Montana costume that was too cute, the color of the jacket matched this kit perfectly!

A little card for Kali to mail to her friend Gabriella who isn't going to the same school any more. All I had to do was print out the little 5" x 4" card and glue it to a pretty piece of folded green card stock.

Sunday, September 27, 2009
Antiquing with my honey Dave

Dave is such a sweet and patient man and I love him dearly. I found a few goodies. I found a sweet little cup and saucer set for my sister Dee that will be a nice addition to her Fall dishware collection and few sweet finds for me.

Dave and I had lunch in the little cafe at the Schoolhouse Mall. Dave enjoyed their chicken and sausage sauce piquant over rice and black eyed peas while I had a scrumptious club sandwich with extra tomato.

We drove home around 3PM and had all the kiddos over, the grandkiddos and my sister Deb and her family. Daddy even stopped in for a bit and enjoyed some chili fritos, hot dogs and ice cream with blackberry sauce that Deb made with the rest of the family. He brought a little bucket of persimmons that are absolutely divine!
Pics tomorrow of my new goodies from Washington!

Friday, September 25, 2009
Fall Color around our Home
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Homecoming Shopping with Erica

Saturday Erica and I hit jackpot when we went shopping for her for Homecoming. We found a gorgeous BCGB dress, beautiful shoes, earrings and bracelet. We also found an outfit for her for the game and one for the after party too! She loves teal and it looks sooo pretty on her, makes her gorgeous hazel eyes even prettier. Here's a sneak peek, I'll definitely be sharing photos of her late in October wearing these.
Antiquing last Saturday

I went to one of my favorite antique/flea markets on Saturday while I waited for Erica to finish up with her swim practice. When Pigs fly is located on Johnston Street near the tracks just a little ways from the Evangeline Thruway. I found some lovely pink and gray dishware and a few other goodies too! Here's a little peek at my finds. I also found a gorgeous pink depression glass bowl that is just lovely! Deb gave me the four gray scalloped dinner plates when she saw the lovely little dessert bowls with the pink and gray floral. They look like mimosa blossoms and I'm saving them for an upcoming bride. ;)
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Around our house...