I'm spending the day with Alex and Eli at their home, the babysitter wasn't available and I'm so excited and happy to be able to spend the entire day with them! We had a fun morning. They must have waken up early, because they were ready to go down for naps at 9 AM. They only slept for about an hour, when they woke up they played with their toys and we read books together. Those boys sure love books! At 11 AM they had their soy milk in a big boy sippy cup, chicken noodle baby food, a mashed fresh banana I brought them and they were still hungry so I chopped up two big red juicy strawberries for each of them and they ate those too. They played happily until around one, then they both started getting fussy, we changed diapers, called their Daddy and he said they probaby were ready for naptime. They went down in their beds without one little peep, they really were tired. I tidied up the kitchen then logged on here to give an update to my blog.I took a few photos with Claire's camera, which really needs to be adjusted... the images are way too dark. I did a little editing with the primative Adobe Elements 3.0 that was on their computer and I have this one photo to share with you of them playing with one of their favorite toys. Alex and Eli are both walking around so much lately, its just too cute to see them getting around on two feet rather than on all fours! It also makes them more mobile and faster at getting around! Enjoy the pic and have a super day!