Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What’s cuter and sweeter than a bucket of monkeys!

I gotta say that these two boys have totally stolen my heart and have me wrapped pretty tightly around their little fingers. They’re as sweet and loving as they look and are all boy! Just had to share this sweet photo of them with all of you!

A&E Sept 2011-001 Their parents are pretty adorable too! Claire and Davey, September 2011. He’s running for District 13 Parish Council and we couldn’t be prouder of his commitment to making his community the best place it can possibly be, he’s going to raise his children here, where he grew up and we’re backing him 100%. We would be grateful for the support of those living in our district. Make sure you vote on October 22nd.

D&C Sept 2011-002

His hat is in the ring and his heart is in his family life and wants the best for all of us in this community.

Family 01-025


Shabby Miss Jenn said...

WOW! Beautiful pictures and what a beautiful family!!!!!

jmac said...

I'd vote for him on his looks alone!!! hahahahahahahaha! and I swear the older he gets, the more he looks like his mama. Used to think he looked exactly like D. Tell him I said Good Luck!
Those boys are precious too!!
(we may be rolling down there for the World Gumbo competition..anywhere to park a motorhome closeby the site?)

jmac said...

Where'd yu go???????? You never write on your blog anymore..:( You spending all of your time on facebook?? again...:( Write me and tell me what you've got going on....