Friday, December 26, 2014

For the Love of Orange Juice

Our whole family loves freshly squeezed orange juice, we have several trees in our yard just drooping with the delicious fruit, so today Pop, Alex and Eli went out and picked the fruit hanging closest to the ground.


They filled up a five gallon bucket, brought them inside, Pop sharpened a knife and Lolli cut the oranges in half while the twins started juicing. We have a Black and Decker Handy Juicer and it does a very good job of juicing.


You can find it here on


Alex and Eli took turns squeezing out the delicious orange juice and we poured it into gallon sized pitchers to store in our refrigerator.


They are taking on the same job as my Daddy, Papaw Donald by picking and squeezing orange juice to share with our family. They juiced enough for their house, our house and for Aunts Krista and Alexa’s houses too.


So delicious and full of good stuff! Thanks to Alex and Eli we have yummy juice this week, next week we’ll have to pick more oranges and repeat the process!

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