Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Bourbon French Parfums

Bourbon French Parfum Shop-001


Last week when I was in the French Quarter I went into the little perfumery on Royal Street to see what it was all about. I found myself engulfed first in a soft feminine scent that reminded me of my beloved paternal grandmother Eunice and in love with the quaint and adorable shop.


I took my time and smelled all of the shop’s signature perfumes and really enjoyed the scent named “Marguerite”, which is described as a light, clean, fresh spicy fragrance, which was absolutely perfect for me.



This perfumery has been in the French Quarter for over 170 years.  Began by August Doussan in 1843, there are brides who go into the little shop to purchase perfume which was custom blended for their own grandmother several generations back, the perfumery keeps them on file forever, and they wear the signature scent on their wedding day. I find that perfectly charming.


Bourbon French Parfums can be found online HERE.

Bourbon French Parfums-002

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I've heard of a Perfumery in Paris, but I didn't know there was one in New Orleans! Super Cool. You should start your family tradition now.