Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Goodness from the Garden

Dave sure does grow some awesome chickens and they provide us with the yummiest farm fresh eggs.

farm fresh eggs

I also am enjoying the basil that we planed in our little kitchen garden.

basil for web

And this is the beautiful view out of the back door into the green goodness, you can see the lawn, a fig tree and some pecan trees in the side yard. I love this lush view!

back yard green

It’s the little things that bring me pure joy, having the family over tonight for a spaghetti supper and looking forward to seeing each and every one of them!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Rat Pack Show

Rat Pack Show WEB

A few weeks ago Dave and I went to New Orleans to see a show at the World War II Museum featuring “The Rat Pack” revival show. This is the second show we’ve gone to there and have enjoyed both tremendously. Dave snapped this shot of me with the performers after the show.

Rat Pack WEB

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

She's Engaged!

They met in 2012, on the last day of the year, they fell in love in 2013, and our beautiful daughter Alexa Claire is engaged to be married to her fiancée in 2014. Three weeks ago Frederick Miller asked Alexa to be his wife and she said YES!  There's a whole lot of excitement going on, planning has begun and its going to be a very special occasion for our family!
Here's a photo of the newly engaged couple, they were going to a wedding when Alexa's friend Lauren snapped it of them!
Newly Engaged Fred and Alexa

Saturday, July 6, 2013

New Computer: Setting up Writer Live

XPS Computer

Setting up the new Desktop and Live Writer to get back to blogging regularly!